8051 or MICE-5103



8051 controller board PCB homebrew, 完成品使用篇

AT89C2051/4051烧写器, PC + 89S51, source code (2014-08-17)

 8051 controller board PCB homebrew and the assembly

8051 controller board PCB homebrew, toner transfer with A4 paper, it works but not so convenient

8051 controller board PCB homebrew, toner transfer no good because too humid

MICE-5103, software Sigma-Delta ADC experiment


MICE-5103, this 8051 emulator say hello world again (LED blinking) about 4 years later

MICE-5103, 萬利出品的 8051 EMULATOR, 終於復活了, 現在 P5 / P6 的電腦都能用 (2013 年 01 月 17 日)

MICE-5103, 萬利出品的 8051 EMULATOR, Divide Overflow 的原因

MICE-5103, 萬利出品的 8051 EMULATOR, 解決 Divide Overflow

MICE-5103, 萬利出品的 8051 EMULATOR (2010年5月23日) yahoo blog dead
MICE-5103, 萬利出品的 8051 EMULATOR (2010年5月23日) tubmlr mirror



  1. Hello.

    I came here to ask for software / manuals for Manley ME-5103. I’ve recently wrote a message about this topic in comments section on Youtube. Serial number of my device is 00199. Photos of my device are under the link below – they’re on my google drive.


    It appeares that it is in working condition – I’ve connected 5V and GND to it and it responded with the letter “P", as you mentioned. I still need to buy RS232 cable, to be able to connect this device to my desktop – I will buy it soon.

    Thank you for your respond in comment section. It means a lot.

    Daniel Michalski

    • Hi Daniel, your device ME-5103 is looking good as successor of MICE-5103, perhaps hardware design and/or pc hostware had been revised by the manufacturer.

      The Manley company changed owner around year 2015 however no more support for those 2x years aged product, we did not know whether any copyright infringement once we were able to sent you the software although for such a discontinued product of bundled software, Let us know if you are able to commit for personal usage & for self-education purpose only, and no intention for distribution and infringing action, we will archive your declaration letter & email address to avoid potential legal issue.

    • Hello.

      I came here to officially declare, that the only purpose the Manley ME-5103 device will be used for, will be personal and educational use – I’m mechanical engineering student from Silesian University of Technology, I want to revive this old piece of hardware solely out of curiosity, love for old technology and desire to gain knowledge. This particular device will stay in my private collection or will be donated in future with the documentation and software (i will include with it the story, how I rescued the device and who provided software for it) to the Silesian University of Technology for future generations of students to see, how the job was done in the past. Either way, this device will not be used in any other way than personal or educational, thus I will not violate the law.

      If you need more official declaration, I can send you it via e-mail, if you would provide me with one.

      My e-mail address is xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx

      If everything is right, I would ask you to provide the software and (if there is any kind of these in your archive) manuals by sending it packed inside .rar, .zip or any kind of compressed file to my e-mail address. I would be honored greatly.

      Thank you for your answers and your time.

  2. 你好:




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